The Ultimate Simply Wall St Alternative

Uncover the reasons behind StockIntent’s growing popularity among investors.

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Why smart investors switch to StockIntent

  • StockIntent Score

    The StockIntent Score transforms complex financial data into a clear, understandable rating. Make informed decisions with our user-friendly 0-100 ranking system and intuitive traffic light indicators.

  • Interactive Charts

    Uncover the story behind the numbers. StockIntent’s interactive charts provide data visualization that simplifies understanding of a company’s performance over time.

  • Screening and Backtesting

    Deep dive into strategy analysis with StockIntent’s comprehensive backtesting engine. Evaluate potential returns and risks to refine your investment approach.

Why choose StockIntent over Stockopedia?

StockIntent Benefits:

Powerful Stock Screener with 4000+ Metrics: Continuous stream of investment ideas tailored to your preferences.

Backtesting Functionality: Test investment strategies with historical data for informed decisions.

User-Friendly Web App: Simplistic design with customizable views for a personalized experience.

Comprehensive Metrics: Easy-to-understand traffic light system simplifies financial analysis.

Beautiful Company Charts: Visually appealing charts that narrate the financial story of a company.

Sophisticated Valuation Models: Accessible and easy-to-use tools for accurate company valuation.

Our Competitors

Disadvantages of our Competitors:

Basic screening tools that offer fewer filtering options and investment insights.

Limited or no backtesting capabilities, leading to less informed investment choices.

Complex interfaces that are not user-friendly and have limited customization.

Overwhelming metrics without clear guidance, making financial analysis difficult.

Static and unengaging charts that fail to effectively communicate data.

Complicated valuation models that require extensive financial knowledge to utilize.


Maximizing Your Investment Potential

Think smarter, not harder. Our feature-rich platform is your competitive edge, allowing you to focus on winning strategies.

Company Reports

Analyze companies with ease

Leverage our proprietary scoring system and story-revealing charts to accelerate your company reasearch and boost your returns.

Proprietary StockIntent Score
Company overview in seconds
Intuitive ranks and traffic light system
Story-revealing company charts
Stock Screener

Never Run Out of Brilliant Investment Ideas

Tap into a constant stream of fresh investment opportunities that align with your style, thanks to our powerful stock screener.

Filter for 4,000+ metrics
Custom ranking systems to fit your needs
Pre-build screeners with market beating track records
Backtesting Engine

Drive Your Investment Decisions with Confidence

Test your investment hypotheses against historical performance data with our advanced backtesting engine.

Detailed performance insights with charts
Full transparency on all key financial ratios
Navigate market turbulences confidently
Valuation Models

Never Overpay for Stocks Again

Discover the true value of a company at a glance. With StockIntent, ensure that you always pay a fair price for your investments.

All relevant metrics at hand, no spreadsheets required
Multiple valuation models available
Save your valuations with ease

Always Stay Informed, Never Be Surprised

StockIntent’s watchlist feature keeps you on top of your investment game. Keep tabs on your potential and ongoing investments with ease.

Pre-defined views for major use cases
Customizable views, supporting 4,000+ metrics
Monitor potential buys & portfolio
Easy export functionality

Is Your Portfolio Craving More? Get Your 7-Day Free Trial Now!

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